@media 2007 - so many choices
@media2007 has been announced, and I really want to go. But where? San Francisco is closer to my partner, but London is closer to home.
And I also want to go to SXSW and GEL. And of course RailsConf.…
@media2007 has been announced, and I really want to go. But where? San Francisco is closer to my partner, but London is closer to home.
And I also want to go to SXSW and GEL. And of course RailsConf.…
Our company lawyer in Silicon Valley, who by all means is a very nice person, has a super-slow turnaround time. It typically takes 2 wees go get a response to an email, and promised paperwork never sh…
I’m addicted to good headsets for talking voice.
What I really want is this but for Skype.
Over the ear, light, perfect, crisp sound, and wireless, so I can move about.
Does anyone know if that’s…
Why more bars and cafes in Copenhagen don’t go smoke-free voluntarily is beyond me. Look at the numbers. 75% of your potential customers are non-smokers. And based on anecdotal evidence, people are fe…
The job of a partner, a spouse, or a friend is to help get you to a position where you can excel, where you’re free, even compelled, to do what you do best.
I hope to be that partner, that spouse, th…
I buy books like nobody’s business, at least 10 a month. But I don’t read all of them. Most, I just read a few chapters, and that’s all I need. If I’m not enjoying it, engaged, and learning, I skip ah…
Christina is in town, and I want to treat her to good, traditional Danish lunch on Tuesday. Ida Davidsen is closed, so what are the runners-up?
Told & Snaps? What else?
Yesterday I wrote Always Be Contributing. Later, I thought of another riff on that:
Always Be Courageous.
On New Year’s Eve we had little envelopes on each of our plates, to write down our new …
This quote from Nick Smith, linked to in a comment over on this really interesting thread, really resonated with me:
“We seem to be developing a whole industry of productivity aids and techniques …