I Help Founders Squash
Their Mind Bugs

The biggest limitation in your business is not your strategies, your systems, or even your team.

It's your own mind.

Find the bug in your subconscious mind, and your problems will vanish like the morning mist.

A debugged mind makes progress simple.

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Calvin Correli

Your mind bugs are the obstacle to your growth…

Mind bugs live beyond the level of consciousness.

Your mind bugs are completely invisible to you.

Imagine being born with yellow tinted glasses. You wouldn't think the world looks yellow, you'd just think the worlds looks like it does. Your mind bugs are the same.

Your mind bugs create unsolvable problems. They'll keep recreating the same problem again and again, and you cannot get past it as long as the bug's there.

This is what causes many people to keep "working on it" for a long long time, because the you that's "working on it" is the you that has the bug.

To be free and grow, you must squash the mind bugs.

Once you do, your "problems" simply dissolve, and growth becomes effortless.

That's the work I do with my clients.

How do you know you have mind bugs?

If you're human, you have mind bugs.

More specifically, if you've had a problem or a desire for more than 3 months without getting it done, you have a mind bug blocking you in that area.

If you're ready to squash those pesky mind bugs of yours…

"My experience was one that has changed my life, for reasons far beyond the simplification of my business model.

You are gifted for this work in such a transformational way, and I'm so glad we're connected, I'm overjoyed!"

—Erin Waller from ManifestHERdaily