Misconceptions have many forms. Maybe you believe that if you just eat lowfat or fatfree food, you won’t put on weight. Or maybe you can never trust p…
Do me a favor and pay a visit to the web site for the <a href=”http://www.dk-designskole.dk/”>Design School in Copenhagen, Denmark. You probably won’t…
Say you wanted to open up a stock photography business. You have thousands of photos that your customers can search and browse, until they find and bu…
I’ve spent too much time developing web applications recently, and getting fed up with the constraints of designing user interfaces on the web. Try im…
Which would you prefer to write a letter to your grandma: A word processor, such as Microsoft Word, or a text entry widget in a browser? Or which woul…
You can always tell an out-of-towner in New York’s subway. He’s the person that has to swipe his card five or six times through the turnstile, jam…
Has control of the desktop, including the browser. Extending this to other devices, such as palms (pocket pc), cell phones, and gaming boxes (xbox).
…A lot of users turn away when they see a login or registration screen. On my site, the number of is around 94%. Part o…
I recently handed over my car to a valet parking at Venice beach in Los Angeles. Just before I let go of the key, I noticed a sign saying
This …