Someone recently named someone else a butt-licker in my presence.
Somehow, the term stuck. A butt-licker? Doesn’t sound like the person I want to…
If you’ve ever messed around with installing a new operating system on the computer that you need for your work,…
Crass sales pitch:
My specialty is software applications that help you run your business:
Here’s what my clients and employers have said about me. I’ll be happy to provide you with contact information for these people.
___PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE______________________________________________ FOUNDER AND CEO 2002 Collaboraid ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark - Founded Collabo…
When you simply want to find something very specific on the web, loading up a web site, clicking a few times to find the right form, then filling it o…
Yes, I’m on a crusade: I want more people like me to get involved with software. And I’m not going to give in.
When I was…