
on Jan 01, 2013

I'm studying with a man who is arguably one of the greatest yoga teachers on the planet, and the experience has been magic and life-changing for me. The energy in the shala, the culture around it, the…

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on Jan 01, 2013

In the past month, I've had several massive breakthroughs, both in my yoga practice (padmasana, maricyasana d, supta kurmasana, dropbacks, and completing all of primary series), in my love life, in my…

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The skeptical spiritualist

on Jan 01, 2013

When I was a kid and we were in vacation in southern Europe, I loved coming into one of those really old catholic churches and savoring the stillness, the cool air, and the weird echoy acoustics there…

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Double gratitude

on Dec 31, 2012

I was able to do Maricyasana D on both sides for the first time today. Yay!

My 38-year old body is opening up nicely. I started this yoga practice in May in New York City. Continued it over the next c…

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I sold my z4

on Dec 29, 2012

Z4 in pismo beach

Last year I bought a 2008 BMW Z4. I've desired one of these cars ever since the last time I lived in California, in 2001. I was working for an early web software company called ArsDigita, and their B…

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Handwashing is superstition

on Dec 29, 2012

Hand wash

This is right up my alley. I love stories about our collective superstitions - things we take way too seriously, but for which the rationale doesn't add up. Bike helmets and airport screenings come t…

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