… people don't use toilet paper. They rinse their butt with fresh water from a hose next to the toilet.
It makes so much more sense than the toilet pa…
There's another theme in The Lives of Others, the great German movie about life in the GDR, and that is the police state where citizens are being watc…
In India, milk comes in plastic bags:
Wild boars roam the streets:
And coconuts and motorcycles look great together:
I watched The Lives of Others a few days ago, and it touched me deeply. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. I'm not generally a fan of German movies …
Ambiversion - that was new to me. Extrovert and introvert, yes. But not ambivert. According to Wikipedia:
An ambivert is normally comfortable with gr…
Steven Pressfield keeps the hits coming:
Which brings me back to depth of commitment and the question, “What, then, are we committed to?” Here’s how …
I'm absolutely convinced that there's a future for good writing. It's just that most of what passes for writing on the internet, in the established me…